API Manufacturing – Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient
At PSM, we manufacture and produce chemical active substances in five different production rooms of cleanroom class D, covering an area of over 200 square meters. The batch size can range from a few grams to approximately 100 kg.
Project enquiries to Thorsten Häfner
E-mail: service@psm-saar.de
Phone: +49 172 3213362

The Following Active Ingredients Are Already Manufactured at the Pharmacampus in Schiffweiler:
Purecuma® – GMP Curcumin
Purecuma is produced under GMP conditions
purest curcumin (content > 92%)
Artesunat – GMP quality
Artesunate is produced under GMP conditions
(content 96 % to 102 %)
Epigallocatchingallat – EGCG – GMP quality
EGCG is produced under GMP conditions
(content > 97%)

Glycyrrhizinsäure – GMP quality
Glycyrrhizic acid is produced under GMP conditions (content 90% to 102%)
Our Services as a Pharma End-to-End CDMO