Biopharmaceutical drugs are medications derived from biological sources or produced using living organisms. Unlike conventional synthetic drugs, which are purely chemically manufactured, biopharmaceuticals are often based on proteins, nucleic acids, or other complex molecules produced in living cells. Their production typically involves advanced biotechnological methods, such as recombinant DNA technology or cell cultures.
Biopharmaceutical drugs often have highly targeted effects, making them more effective and specific in many cases compared to conventional medications.
These drugs often have special requirements in terms of product preparation, filling and processing, as well as storage and transport conditions, as they are more sensitive than chemical drugs .
Our systems offer the highest level of In-Process-Controls (IPC) for precisely this purpose, in order to protect the drugs during production and minimise product loss in the various process phases.
Only state-of-the-art, Annex 1-compliant machines and systems from renowned manufacturers such as SKAN, Groninger, Martin Christ, Fedegari and Koerber Pharma are installed.
With the Robocell filling system from Groninger and SKAN, we can fill batch sizes of up to 100 liters. We offer maximum flexibility in processing ready-to-use syringes up to 10 ml, vials up to 50 H, and cartridges up to 3 ml in glass or polymer, while ensuring minimal product losses with 100 % check weight control.
With the Groninger Flexfill filling system, we can fill batch sizes of up to 600 liters. We offer maximum flexibility in processing ready-to-use syringes up to 10 ml, vials up to 100 H, and cartridges up to 3 ml in glass or polymer. This line is equipped with peristalitc and rotary piston pumps and various gassing and vacuum options.