News / Construction Diary

GMP approval achieved

On 14.02. PSM GmbH had the pleasure to host the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Women and Health for the … weiterlesen …

Part 3: The filling line is installed

The highly flexible filling line from groninger for syringes, vials or cylindrical ampoules with an annual capacity of approx. 30 … weiterlesen …

Construction dokumentation 12-08-2022

The hall for GMP secondary packaging is being built. This is where the quarantine storage, as well as the visual … weiterlesen …

Construction dokumentation 26-04-2022

From a bird’s eye view, the pharmaceutical campus in Schiffweiler is clearly visible. Our roads are paved and we are … weiterlesen …

Construction dokumentation 16-12-2021

Our production is already equipped with a floor covering and finished. We are pleased that the laboratory has now also … weiterlesen …

Construction dokumentation 08-12-2021

Our clean rooms are slowly shining in their new splendour, even if they are not yet finished. On the intermediate … weiterlesen …

Construction dokumentation 14-10-2021

In September 2021, the first aerial photos were taken in the sunny evening light. Production is already underway in some … weiterlesen …

Construction dokumentation 22-09-2021

After the completion of the ceiling, the work on the air conditioning and ventilation could start. The interior finishing work … weiterlesen …

Construction dokumentation 07-09-2021

At the beginning of September, the laboratory and office building also had an exterior cladding.

Construction dokumentation 26-08-2021

After the flooring had dried, work immediately began on the accessible suspended ceiling.